Quarter Century Wireless Association
Fred Hammond Chapter 73
Mary Card, VE3FEB
670 Parliament Street
Apt. 1114
Toronto, ON
M4X 1R4
Phone: (416) 923-2752      Email: mary.card@gmail.com
Bert Almemo, VE3NR
54 Rodda Blvd
Scarborough, ON
M1E 2Z8
Phone: (416)283-4444  Email: ve3nr@rac.ca
Fred Hicks, VE3MTS
52 Wilkins Dr
Kitchener, ON
N2E 1L2
Phone: (519) 579-2367    Email: treasurer@qcwa.ca
Prize Chair
Bert Almemo, VE3NR
54 Rodda Blvd
Scarborough, ON
M1E 2Z8
Phone: (416) 283-4444   Email: ve3nr@rac.ca
Awards Chair
Harold Braun, VE3CD
309 Albert St.
Waterloo, ON
N2L 3T9
Phone: (519) 884-2388   Email: ve3dwh@kwarc.org
Scholarship Chair
Mary Card, VE3FEB
670 Parliament Street
Apt. 1114
Toronto, ON
M4X 1R4
Phone: (416) 923-2752   Email: mary.card@gmail.com
If you have a question or information, please feel free to use the form below to contact a member of the Fred Hammond Chapter 73, Quarter Century Wireless Association

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